CETIAT Centre Technique des Industries Aérauliques et Thermiques (Villeurbanne, France)
Development of the 'block diagrams' BOOST software (100,000 C++ lines, here, here) for the 0/1D unsteady simulation of systems
Development in BOOST of Monte-Carlo functionalities, calculation of uncertainties and sensitivity analysis (SOBOL, MORRIS)
Examples of implementation (here, here) and there on the (here, here) on stochastic modeling of drawings in residential
Development in BOOST of semi-virtual control/command functionalities for platform management
BOOST / platform coupling via a database (exchange by SQL queries and OCDB protocol)
Modeling in BOOST software of :
'building' systems: 'nRmC' building, PAC and CET, boiler, stratified tank, solar collector, recovery of fatal energy in water
'industry' systems: dryer, fibrous filter or adsorption, etc.
condensation/evaporation model for cold coils (water or direct expansion), integration into a CTA model
normative test EN 16147 (here) for certification by simulation of PAC+DHW tank ranges (AFNOR reference system NF 414)
Modeling under Modelica, in OpenModelica and Dymola
Flame temperature from the enthalpy of reactions of type CnHn fuels
Building from the EDF libraries 'BuildSysPro' and 'ThermoSysPro'
Development of an encapsulation protocol for models (written in C/C++) in a shared DLL
Application to links with Excel, RefProp, TRNSYS, LabView, Matlab, and Modelica tools (AMESim, Dymola, OpenModelica).
Development of a KALMAN / sequence search filter on dynamic data from a bench of flowmetry (2022)
Use of KoZiBu in the CETIAT-ADEME project Batindus 2 (2019) on the environmental impact of industrial buildings
Direction Générale de l'Armement (TN-Toulon)
Services for the department of naval techniques of the DGA (DGA-TN, Toulon, France)
Continuous development of the KoZiBu software for the simulation of the new generation Barracuda submarine (70 thermal zones), with taking into account airflow exchanges imposed between different zones in the event of an accident.
Direction Générale de l'Armement (LRBA-Vernon)
Service for the DGA Ballistics and Aerodynamics Research Laboratory (DGA-LRBA, Vernon, France)
Development of the RAIMANTA tool for predicting temperatures in military shelters for
specifications of missile weapons and development of a graphical interface, see papers 2009 and 2010
Du Pont De Nemours (Luxembourg)
Development of the first Phase Change Material (PCM) model in a simulation software
First in CoDyMur and CoDyBa, then in KoZiBu
Work in collaboration with CETHIL: paper 1 (2006) and paper 2 (2006)
Numerical study on the use of PCM in renovation (2009)
Contribution to the development of the DuPont product EnerGain, Cahiers Techniques du Bâtiment n° 323, April 2013
Collaborative work over 10 years for the development of building thermal simulation tools
Examples of publications : 2000, 2001a, 2001b, 2005a, 2005b, 2006a, 2006b, 2007, 2008
EDF (Renardières-Paris, SEPTEN-Lyon)
Development of the 1st version of the EDF-SEPTEN COSAQUE code, for CSIngénierie (1990)
Development of the SYSLEY tool for entering and calculating 2D thermal bridges (1998)
Design offices BERIM, THOR Ingénierie, OTH : DTS studies with KoZiBu
Lafarge : software developed to highlight the benefits of concrete based on inertia, insulation, glazed surface, etc. of a building
Saint-Gobain : study on the modeling of double-skin glazing
JNLOG (on own funds)
Development of Dynamic Thermal Simulation software (DTS) KoZiBat (2024-2024)
Calculator for determining the heating and air conditioning consumption of a N zones building
Development of the Dynamic Thermal Simulation software (DTS) KoZiBu (2010-2024)
From the building (envelope + systems), temperature + humidity + energy consumption prediction
Taking into account an unlimited number of parts or thermal zones, 3D visualization in prototype
Validation of KoZiBu on the climatic chamber EMPA
ADEME project NBDM, for the definition of a common data format / French DTS software (2008)
Development of a single model (here, here) integrating blind and window (2006)
KaLiBat : automatic thermal bridge calculation (auto mesh of 2D geometries and calculation of the regulatory coefficient in 1 s)
KoZiBox : calculator for determining the heating and air conditioning consumption of a 1-zone building
ArchiCube : 3D thermal calculations