Dynamic Thermal Simulation (DTS) Calculator of a N Thermal Zones building

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What KoZiBat is KoZiBat is a software for determining the heating and air conditioning consumption of a building.

KoZiBat KoZiBat allows you to evaluate the influence of different parameters (climate, composition of walls and glazing, regulation power, setpoint temperatures, importance of internal loads, etc.) on the energy consumption of a building.

KoZiBat has a graphical interface for defining the building and launching a calculation. The temperature evolution is calculated exactly in a multi-zone building, according to the thermal balance algorithm ("Building Thermal Simulation") of the KoZiBu software. At any time, the heating or air conditioning power required to maintain a setpoint is calculated, or the temperature changes freely if the heating or air conditioning power is insufficient. The calculation is very fast (around 10 s) and precise. It allows you to obtain the heating/air conditioning power peaks and the energies, in the form of a balance or curves.

RT2005 weather data for 8 cities in France are available.

KoZiBat KoZiBat is simple and powerful, and does not require any special training.
Availability Version V1.68 can be freely downloaded.
Price Version V1.68 is free for the moment.
Main screen KoZiBat Main Screen

Calculation and visualization screens The calculation screen is on the left and the curve plotting screen is on the right:
KoZiBat Calculation Screen KoZiBat Curve Plotting Screen
Data screens Screen of "materials" and "glasses" :
KoZiBat Materials Screen KoZiBat Glasses Screen
* Screens of "walls" and "windows" :
KoZiBat Walls Screen KoZiBat Windows Screen
* Screen of "temperature regulators" and "fans" :
KoZiBat Temperature Regulators Screen KoZiBat Fans Screen
* Screen of "internal charges" (in addition to the lighting presented here, equipment and people data) and "profiles" (power, temperature, etc.) :
KoZiBat Internal Charges Screen KoZiBat Profiles Screen
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